Monday, August 29, 2011

Kyron 3 months!

I can't believe how fast time flies by! It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital holding our sweet new baby. He is now 3 months and is just growing way too fast! About a week ago he started rolling over... well what I consider rolling over! He rolls all the way over to his stomach but his one arm gets caught under his belly so he just lets it stay there. Nephi says that it doesn't count until both of his arms are free... I dont think so. Kyron is truly the happiest baby EVER! He hardly ever cries unless something is bothering him. He is starting to smile, laugh, and goo a lot more! So fun:) I cant imagine life without this sweet little boy. He is such an amazing blessing and joy in my life! I consider myself a lucky mommy!



  1. What a cutie! They definitely grow & change way too fast. Love the pics & the one of you & Nephi in front of the temple!

  2. Sweet little boys! Thanks for fun to see new pictures! Hope that all is well! We love you!


Owen loves his toys!

Owen loves his toys!
toys toys toys!

Silly Boy!

Silly Boy!
this is owens new thing! Ha! I have no idea what he is trying to do!

My Boys:)

My Boys:)