Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My new hobby :)

One of my new favorite hobbies is making cakes! I am hoping that some day I will get good enough and have all the tools that I need to make cakes out of my home for those that want one. Last week I was able to help a friend out and make a couple of cakes for her daughters first birthday. This is what I came up with -

Birthday present cake :)
Teapot cake :)

1 comment:

  1. Lindsy, you amaze me! Your cakes are so cute-love them! You really are talented and should definitely pursue it as a side career if you enjoy it that much. My friend does that and you can make some decent money while being a stay at home mom-win, win!


Owen loves his toys!

Owen loves his toys!
toys toys toys!

Silly Boy!

Silly Boy!
this is owens new thing! Ha! I have no idea what he is trying to do!

My Boys:)

My Boys:)